Ingredients Grams
Egg 430
Sugar 290
Salt 4
Emulsifier 29
High Ratio Flour 240
Baking Powder 6
Milk 100
Sorbitol 25
Unsalted Butter (Melted) 85
Vanilla 5
1. Add all the ingredients except sorbitol and melted butter into the mixing bowl.
2. Whisk on high speed for 2 minutes and continue on medium speed for 10 – 15 minutes.
3. Mix until batter Specific Gravity is about 0.4 (200g) to 0.42 (210g) which relates to 200g – 210g batter weight in a 500ml / cc container.
4. Add sorbitol followed by melted butter on slow speed for 30 seconds. The final Specific Gravity of the Batter should be between 0.42 (210g) to 0.45 (225g).